From 1 July 2022, there are several changes to superannuation laws that you may be able to take advantage of. Changes to voluntary contributions If you are aged between 67 and 74, you will be able to make voluntary contributions into your superannuation without...
Casual Employment New Rules from March 2021 The Fair Work Act 2009 has been amended to enforce several new rules for employing casual workers. The Act includes a statutory definition of casual employment, a pathway for casual employees to become permanent, and...
While software has replaced the leather-bound ledgers of the past, bookkeeping is still an essential task for modern business owners. Here’s how it works – and why it’s so important. Bookkeeping benefits Accurate, up-to-date financial records are vital for running a...
Keeping track of your inventory, the time it takes to sell and the profit made on each product is essential if you want to manage your business effectively. What counts as inventory? Inventory is anything you buy to on-sell, including fully-completed items to sell in...
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